
Quarterly Work Parties

There are 4 quarterly work parties every year. The dates are announced in the newsletter and on the web site calendar. The work is not glamourous but it is work that needs to be done. The majority of the work includes removing the broken clay targets form the Trap Ranges, landscape tasks (planting, weed whacking, brush clearing, etc..) and other general maintenance tasks that just need to be done. After the work is finished, lunch is provided along with a no-cost raffle for prizes and fun.

Below is a time-lapse video of the work party on May 20th, 2017. We had over 100 volunteers and the transformation before lunch was amazing. Lunch was amazing as well (as usual).

Junior Marksmanship Work Parties

On the first Sunday of every month there is a work party designed to make the Junior Marksmanship programs more self-sufficient. We have mined lead from the Pistol Range, sorted brass for recycling, cleaned and organized the Junior Marksmanship cage in the shed as well as other tasks that need to be done to keep the programs running smoothly.

For more information please contact Patrick Russ or Darrin Eaton .


If you want to get better at any skill, you should instruct others on how to do it. This is especially true for the shooting sports. When you break down the fundamentals of safety habits, stance, grip, and trigger pull, you learn (or re-learn) the skills at the same time as your student. Also, when you see your student improve while you are coaching him/her it is exciting for the coach as well.

We are always looking for more coaches for Women On Target, Junior Rifle, Junior Pistol, Junior Archery, and Junior Trap. If you are concerned that you need more instruction on how to become a coach, we will be happy to teach you how to do it on the day of the event. Simply contact the shoot chair of the event and they will be happy to work with you.

Junior Programs (all)Frank Alessio760-743-8718gunshooter1@gmail.com
Junior ArcheryDave Premetz760-489-1082 slixgunr@yahoo.com
Junior Muzzle LoadingRen Everett760-432-2089everettju1@cox.net
Junior RifleRen Everett760-432-2089everettju1@cox.net
Junior PistolPatrick Russ760-644-2751pruss@escondidofishandgame.com
Junior TrapChris Cote847-224-6898CCote@escondidofishandgame.com
Junior TrapCurt Summers760-913-7093