When: 8:00 am on the 3rd Saturday of the month
Where: 100yd Range (Trap Range is closed for this event)
Contact: Jim McKim
Email: jamesemckim@gmail.com
Phone: 760-390-9426
Cost: Members - $5 / Non-Members $10 / Juniors - Free
The match starts at 8AM (arrive early to register)
The Small Bore Rifle Match has two separate courses of fire; a 50-yard, 4-position match course and a 100-yard prone course. The 4-position match has prone, sitting, kneeling and offhand stages of fire. Each match course consists of firing forty (40) rounds for score plus unlimited sighter rounds. Competitors may elect to participate in either or both matches.
Any 22LR rimfire, cartridge-firing rifle, regardless of action, is acceptable. Competitors may use open (iron) sights or rifle scopes. Slings are allowed except in the offhand position. No artificial supports are allowed in the 4-position course. Hearing and eye protection are required.
The intent of the match is to improve your marksmanship skills and have fun while doing it. The Match Director and on-site Range Safety Officers help ensure a safe and enjoyable shooting experience for the entire family.