When: 8:00 am on the 1st Sunday of the month
Where: 150yd Range
Contact: Patrick Watson
Email: patwatson1969@hotmail.com
Phone: 760-522-3912
Cost: Members - $15 / Non-Members - $20

SPAR members receive a discount of $5

This monthly program is for traditional muzzle loading competitors. We shoot rifles, pistols, and tradeguns (smoothbores) on various courses of fire at paper targets. Shooting for precision allows the competitor to measure his/her progress on an ongoing basis. We keep our own database which allows for competition within the various classes of shooters, masters, experts, sharpshooters, and marksmen. The highlight of the year is our annual Muzzle Loader Congress held in October; this is a trophy shoot that requires pre-entry and features a wide array of awards.