When: 8:00 AM on July 9th, other matches TBD
Where: Meeting Hall / 150yd Range
Contact: Ren Everett
Email: everettju1@cox.net (preferred)
Phone: 760-432-2089
Cost: FREE, no cost to shooter. Open to the public. Donations will be accepted.
Age: 6 - 20
Registration starts on the 1st day of the month of the shoot, email first and last name.
Check-in begins at 8:00 A.M. on day of shoot in the Meeting Hall.
The Junior Muzzle Loading program is designed to teach our junior shooters how to properly and safely handle a Muzzle Loading rifle. Shooters need not bring anything, except themselves and a parent or legal guardian. Minors can attend with a non-parent or legal guardian with a valid signed and dated parent permission slip [Click Here].
Escondido Fish and Game Association will provide everything else!
- All equipment required for the Muzzle Loading rifle match (including rifles, ammunition, eye and ear protection etc.) is supplied by EF&GA
- A coach for each shooter on the line.
Shooters are allowed to use their own Muzzle Loading rifles and equipment if they so desire.
The course of fire consists of 7 rounds fired. The best 5 shots will be scored for record at a distance of 25 yards. All firing will be conducted from the bench rest position.
Safety Class
We offer a safety/familiarization class for our new and beginning shooters. All new shooters to the Jr. Muzzle Loading rifle program must go through the class (once) before being allowed to shoot.